The problem is, I have another blog!

If you’ve ever tried to run two blogs at the same time you know that one always suffers. Sadly, it’s this one! I don’t write very much but when I do I usually write at That’s where I document the silly things that happen in life and the goings-on with my family. Here is where I talk about my books. Books, books books! I decided to separate the two subjects way back when so my regular readers didn’t have to listen to me try to sell my books all day long and my book fans didn’t have to read about family stuff! Makes sense? But here I am.

I am going to try and get back here more than twice a year. That is PATHETIC!  But as you know can see it’s time to start thinking about Valentines! I do have a Valentine book! A Little Hoo Valentine Book!

I also have a Valentine-y poster!

If you are needing some Little Hoo love be sure to look at my shop. 🙂