It’s too hot to think about Christmas!

Here I am, sitting at my desk with a fan blowing on me thinking about Christmas in September. The holidays always come in such a rush for me so this year I vowed to get my boxes of books out there before Halloween–before October even started! I’m succeeded! I’m sure anyone clicking here before Thanksgiving will roll their eyes, but you should file this away because you know what is a great present for someone little who likes to read for Christmas? (The next best thing besides toy or an iPhone? Really no one little needs a phone but you know they want one.) A box of books! I
know $120 might seem like a lot to spend on books but these are good quality library-bound books and they are my favorites! I have other titles I’m not as proud of but I am not putting them in the boxes. Only my favorites (unless you have a special request).
So click over to my Etsy shop and buy a box before the sell out! I will include stickers and bookmarks and maybe a postcard. Sending packages is one of my favorite things to do. If you want me to autograph it to someone special just include it in the personalization notes.
Okay, now back to the summer that never seems to end!
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